Monday, November 3, 2008


i spent most of yesterday frustrated and looking for my keys. I had a whole day planned that could not be accomplished without them. The day ended up being pretty good besides that fact. John and I went to Daphne's play Red Death at UMBC. It was dark and bizarre and i'm not sure in a good or bad way. I cam home and made cookies, sugar and banana chocolate chip that i just made up, then rode over to the ottobar.

Paul came. It was nice to hang out with him since i don't see too much of him any how. Bane was really fun. I will love them always. People didn't go off as much as I am used to which made room to just dance around and be an idiot without being stage dived to death. perfect. After their set paul and i walked to get drinks at the gas station and then John and Kevin rode up. Joey was DJ-ing up stairs at the same time so for the rest of the night I just wondered up and down. Watched a little of H20, went up to the bar to hang out, until i went to say bye and get my jacket from Paul's friends car. I forget his name but I really liked him.

He, Paul and I stood outside and talked for a while and then we were joined by another and I found myself listening to ridiculous stories of hardcore beef, punching people in the face and stuffing mailboxes with fireworks. I decided to go back in to the otto bar to see what everyone else was up to. The bar was slow so john and i decided to try attempt #2 at watching There will be blood. We got a little bit further this time before we fell asleep, a good solid 30 more minutes I would venture to say. I woke up to the credits and rode home around 3:30.

Kate and I had a nice day out today. We went to Ikea. Where i got some things I am really excited about. A 2x5 expedit finally, chalkboard easel, three hanging lights, a bath mat and shower curtains. Then we went over to a parking lot in Hunt Valley so I could buy a turntable off this man from Craigslist. He was the nicest and most sincere guy ever. So i felt really good about it. He brought an AC adapter for his car so I could plug the table in and see if it worked. Its a technics table in great condition for 50 bucks.

so, this parking lot turned out to be the Wegmans parking lot! Bonus! We of course went in, grazed the bulk section and got some groceries. Then ate lunch, did some stealth missioning, and drove home. The trees are just now starting to turn and it is looking more and more like home here these days.

I am going to try to see the secret life of bees tonight by myself. it will be nice.
ps. i had left my keys at sonar.

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