Sunday, February 8, 2009


i am either the most confused girl on the planet or the one with the least strength. i have been a whirlwind of emotion lately and i should probably apologize to everyone. trying to have a casual relationship with someone you are already years invested in is hard. i can say though that i'm trying. i'd like to get back to at least semi-regular heartbeat.

today has been a day of drawing and watching band of brothers. i have yet to go outside, i felt a little terrible about this until eric and i stuck our heads out the door and realized it is FREEZING! Being inside all day is okay, i told myself, as long as i am productive.

school is winding down, which means the work is winding up. I have two weeks left and it will be goodbye RIT for good. i sure hope i make it with no F's.

i had an interview for a job yesterday, a nanny job, i will know if i got it on tuesday or so. man, i hope so. i am beyond broke right now and really really trying to not call my parents for help. Mr. California, it would be nice to get that five hundred dollars you owe me.

i realized what happened yesterday is part of that stuff i don't want. feeling that uncomfortable and lost out of nowhere, i don't miss it. it used to really ruin me for a while but not anymore. forget that mess, i'm going to build a bonfire.

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