Tuesday, November 4, 2008


today is election day which is a bit exciting i must admit. its hard not to get caught up in it all. i really hope obama wins and i wish that i could have a say in it but once again i don't. And as much as the voting process isn't perfect to any extent and that many feel they don't have a say, or really even a choice at all i think it is still important to actually go and vote and be involved. i hate when people say it doesn't matter either way. i just don't like the attitude. we all count and on the other hand you are probably going to have to do more than just not vote to make some sort of political statement other than i'm just lazy.

last night i went to jordan's show at the art space. i wasn't planning on it but he texted me that no one was there so i figured i should show some support and rode over with ben and patrick. the show was sort of a cumulation of things that have been annoying me lately about certain radical thinkers. i would just like to say before i go on a huge rant that skirting around paying for a show like that is neither punk nor cool, not supporting your friends is not punk and not being open minded to people "less radical" than you is not punk. the end.

after the show two bands from seattle, doomhawk and filth mattress, stayed at the house. we went and got lots of food at giant and they made curry for everyone which was delicious. after eating we sat around and talked about the (in)finite internet and the end of the world in 2012 and with that i went to bed.

its raining today. it is november fourth.
i feel like i have so much to be before i go back to rochester.
by the way i died my hair


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